Nearly 50 Fun Activities

Find your perfect pumpkin!

Baseball, basketball, and football

How fast can you pump?

Making memories

Great photo opportunities!
Low Ropes Course
Log Playground
Jumping Pillows (2)
Barnyard Ball Zone
Barnyard Arcade
Skee Ball
Roller Bowler
Buzzer Beater Blast
Hi Strikers (3)
Bubble Barns (2)
Farmstead Impressions (3)
Corn Maze
Phase 1
Phase 2
Bee Waggle Game
Kiddie Corral
Jump Pad
Sand Box with Diggers
Corn Box
Spider Web
Music Truck
Pet the Goats
Giant Rocking Chair
Giant Swing
Photo Opps
Corn Box
Hayrides to Pumpkin & Apple Picking
Grain Train
Cow Train
Pumpkin Train
Bee Train
Zip Lines
Duck Races
Cranky the Tractor
Spin Browsers
Who's Your Pumpkin?
Four in a Row
Corn Hole
Piggy Path Tilt-A-Maze
Find the Differences
Special Events
Candy Cannon
Apple Blasters*
O.K. Corral*
Gemstone Mining*
PYO Pumpkins*
PYO Apples*
*Additional Cost
PYO subject to growing conditions and availability
All attractions may not be open at all times due to weather conditions and unforeseen circumstances.